Hey Babe,

I'm Amanda ​Mick!

Since 2015, I’ve been on an incredible journey ​with an amazing community of female ​entrepreneurs through the Society of Women ​Business Owners (SOWBO, pronounced SOW-​BO). Maybe you’ve heard of it?

Recently, I felt a clear call from the Lord to shift ​my focus from just growing my own business to ​something bigger—advancing His kingdom by ​supporting Christian entrepreneurs, creators, ​and leaders like you.

Grounded in my faith and shaped by the lessons ​life has taught me, I’m passionate about helping ​others integrate biblical wisdom into their ​business strategies.

My goal is to empower you to face challenges ​with a faith-driven perspective, glorifying God ​and making a real difference through your work. ​Let’s walk together as we build His kingdom with ​purpose and excellence!

A different kind of

business coaching.

Unlike many other coaches who focus solely on strategy and ​tactics, I prioritize helping entrepreneurs build their businesses ​with a kingdom-focused perspective. As a fellow Christian ​entrepreneur, I deeply understand this longing. I prioritize guiding ​entrepreneurs in practical business strategies while integrating ​their faith as a foundational element. This holistic approach ​empowers them to achieve fulfillment by glorifying God through ​their entrepreneurial journey.

My Ugly ​Story

I grew up in church and dedicated my life to Jesus ​at 11 years old. Throughout middle and high school, ​I was on fire for Jesus – the Bible thumper girl ​everyone avoided. HAHA! I can still remember one ​of my Sunday School leaders asking if my parents ​were in ministry because of my knowledge and ​answers in our morning study (I guess that was the ​only way they could justify my love for Jesus). All ​that comment did was feed my 14-year-old ego.

If I knew so much, then how did I fall into the pit of ​disaster later in life? How did I stray from God's ​plans for my life? How could someone so rooted in ​Jesus make such big mistakes?

The answer is simple: sin.

When the pastor on Sunday asks if someone needs ​to repent, I am now the first to raise my hand. My ​sinful human nature, paired with the enemy's ​constant temptations, is the perfect combination ​for disgrace. This is why I am so incredibly grateful ​for God's redemption, forgiveness, mercy, and ​love. I feel so undeserving, but I know that God says ​I am worthy because I am His daughter. And so are ​you, Sis.

My greatest failures in business and life came ​from these four things:

1. I didn't actively love God above all else. I coasted ​on my foundation. As my life got busy with ​marriage, homeownership, friendships, and ​building my career, I allowed my relationship with ​God to get lazy. I relied on what I already knew ​rather than putting in the effort to stay connected ​and walk in the Spirit. I was content with my life, ​never desperate for God.

2. I didn't guard my heart. Because I wasn't ​pursuing my relationship with God above all else, ​my heart followed its naturally sinful ways. The ​enemy could easily trick me, and he did. He used ​my greatest desires and deep pains to lure me into ​a trap. A trap that contained sheep in wolves' ​clothing and a bunch of sin. I couldn't even see it ​for what it was at the time because I wasn't testing ​everything against the word of God.

3. I allowed pride to rule. With all the shame of my ​mistakes and because I believed I could fix it all by ​myself, I avoided holy and wise people. Talking to ​someone would also mean admitting my wrongs... ​and I had too much pride for that. Deep down, I felt ​lost, scared, worried, and alone. Yet, I had too ​much pride and shame to speak to anyone with the ​godly wisdom I needed. I didn't want anyone to ​know that the Christian, Bible-thumper, church-​going gal had fallen flat on her face. But God, being ​the good God that He is, allowed me to be stripped ​of every shred of my pride in the most humbling ​way ever.

4. I kept business separate from God. For some ​immature reason, I believed the lie that being ​“professional” meant never including God in ​conversations, planning, strategy, management, ​and decisions. It was a wide-open area where I was ​“checking the Lord at the door.” I was more worried ​about offending someone who might not believe in ​God than I was about being faithful and obedient ​to God. Of course, the enemy saw this as a way to ​get a foothold.

There was this very broken moment (the lowest of ​my life) where I realized that God was the only ​one who could pull me out of the pit I was in. This ​is the moment where it all changed for me; I ​became desperate for God. I asked a friend if she ​would do Bible study with me in the mornings to ​hold me accountable. It only took a month of that ​for me to form the habit, and that beautiful habit ​still lives with me today.

What does all this have to do with business? ​Everything.

In my early years of entrepreneurship, when I was ​just coasting on my relationship with God, I ​wandered into the enemy's camp of evil schemes. I ​went into business with a wolf and ended up losing ​everything. My marriage, my financial security, my ​reputation, my friends, my home, my comfy life. I ​ignored the callings and whispers from God at the ​beginning and listened to the loud lies that the wolf ​was speaking over me (by the way, those lies were ​said with scripture references).

Once the Lord set me free, I started over with a ​single mindset: don't let anyone fall into the traps ​that I just got out of. This is when I started ​coaching women with purpose. All of it led me to ​where I am today. The longer God keeps me here, ​the bolder I am becoming at testifying of His ​faithfulness.


Years of Impact


Women Served



Live In-Person ​Events Hosted


Combin​ed Social ​Followers

Recent Features

Community Can ​Spark Creativity, ​Inspire Passion & ​Bring You Closer To ​God with Amy Wine

Building And ​Nurturing A ​Community

with Claudia ​McDivitt

7 Levels Deep ​Interview ​Gamechanger

with Veronica ​Romney

Book Amanda ​to Speak!

Are you seeking an inspiring speaker who can truly ​connect with female entrepreneurs and help them ​achieve mindset shifts for personal and ​professional growth? Amanda Mick brings a ​unique blend of real-life experience, biblical ​wisdom, and actionable insights.

Whether addressing the importance of intimacy in ​relationships, the necessity of meaningful ​connections, holistic business planning, or the ​power of community, Amanda's engaging delivery ​and relatable stories resonate deeply.

She is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs stop ​thinking like solopreneurs and start thinking like ​CEOs, emphasizing the importance of ​connections, leadership skills, and integrating ​faith into every aspect of their business.

Elderly Man Doing Yoga Exercise


“My one on one ​sessions with Amanda ​bring about so much ​clarity and ​momentum, all while ​keeping God first and ​the important things, ​important things.”

- April A.,

Pinterest Strategist

“God was able to use ​Amanda to speak life ​and truth into my ​life...She was able to ​encourage me, lift me ​up, and help me create ​a plan to continue ​building a business ​that works for me and ​my family.”

- Katie B.,

Website Designer

“ I have treasured our ​coaching session so much ​over the past weeks and ​keep returning to your ​words of encouragement. ​Thank you so much for the ​time and attention and care ​that you put into my ​session. It was so helpful ​and really encouraged me.”

- Rebekah B.,


“You've given me a lot to ​ponder about and many ​great ideas. I've had a ​few introductory ​sessions with business ​coaches over the past 4 ​months and your call ​has been the most ​valuable. You give me ​hope!”


Life Coach

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