Coaching for ​entrepreneurs, ​creators, and leaders ​who love Jesus

Hey Sis,

I'm Amanda!

Amanda Mickenberg, Business Coach for Christian Female Entrepreneurs in the United States

Hi, I'm Amanda Mick, a business coach for Jesus-​loving entrepreneurs. My journey has been one ​of faith, failure, and redemption.

I dedicated my life to Jesus at 11 and was known ​as the "Bible thumper" throughout my school ​years. Despite this strong foundation, life’s ​challenges led me astray, resulting in painful ​mistakes and significant losses.

Through it all, God’s grace, redemption, and love ​pulled me from the darkest places, reigniting ​my passion for Him.

Now, I use my experiences to guide and support ​Christian entrepreneurs, helping them integrate ​faith into their business journeys and avoid the ​pitfalls I encountered.

Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all ​your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” - Matthew 22:37-38

What if I told you that your journey isn’t just about building a ​successful business or advancing your career?

It might sound surprising coming from a business coach, but it's true. As believers, our ultimate goal ​is to build the Kingdom of God through everything we do.

Think about it...

Jesus didn’t call you to be focused on yourself. He said to die to yourself.

He didn’t say to build your following. He said to pick up your cross and follow Him.

God didn’t ask you to build your legacy. He said to build HIS Kingdom.

He didn’t tell you to build your reputation or fame. He said to glorify HIS name in all that you do.

He didn’t create you with gifts and talents to pursue your own dreams. He purposefully designed you ​to serve Him.


Years of Impact


Women Served


1:1 Coaching ​Clients


Live In-Person ​Events Hosted


Combin​ed Social ​Followers

Your business should be a platform that glorifies God and makes a ​lasting impact for His kingdom.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that your business needs to be openly advertised as a Christian ​organization (though, if God calls you to do this, then by all means, do it). Instead, evidence of your ​faith should be found in how you operate and lead. This is how impact is made and how souls are ​won.

Business is simply your God given talents, experiences, and unique access bundled into a pretty ​package and presented to the world. It should glorify God, shine bright, serve well, and bless others. ​In fact, I would say that, in many ways, it is your ministry.

Remember, business is simply the vehicle in which you serve God.

Glorifying God as an entrepreneur often looks like this:

- Loving the Lord more than you love making money

- Seeing your career and business as a vehicle to evangelize

- Operating with godly character despite the world and evil influences around you

- Seeing the business as HIS business, not yours

- Recognizing that blessings and goodness come from God, not by your own accord

- Giving back to God and others with a generous heart

- Seeing the people around your business as those God has strategically placed in your ​path to serve and love well

- Prioritizing ethical practices and integrity over profit and success

- Leading with humility and a servant’s heart, putting others' needs before your own

- Making prayer a foundational part of your decision-making process

- Cultivating a workplace culture that reflects Christian values of love, respect, and ​compassion

What clients are saying

Though this sounds straightforward, it is incredibly challenging to ​be a Christian in the business world we live in today.

If you're a believer, and I assume you are if you're on this page, I want to warn you that the enemy is ​prowling around looking for an opportunity to take you down (just like he did me).

Unfortunately, the enemy knows your deepest desires and greatest fears. This means Satan knows ​what you’re struggling with and what you’re hoping for. He knows why you started the business and ​what you’re hoping it will bring. He also knows that if he plays it right, he can use your business to ​distract you and hook you into sin.

This is why Satan is strategically filling the business world with self-focused strategies. He presents ​opportunities that promise to build your wealth, secure your family, increase your influence, and ​grow your reputation. He uses people and tools like “spiritual” coaches, money-focused business ​gurus, social media fame, internet celebrity influence, abundance mindsets, prosperity gospels, and ​more.

Yes, you need to seek business advice from experts, but you must also be careful about whom you ​learn from. Thankfully, the Bible is filled with business wisdom, allowing us to check what we are ​learning against God’s word.


“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to ​obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. ” - Joshua 1:8

God is faithful. He promises to bless our obedience.

The best part of all of this is that you have a Father in heaven who will guide and protect you from all ​of the enemy’s schemes. When you focus on God and obey his instructions, then you become the ​vessel He needs in this world. He takes care of His children. He blesses your obedience.

Don't do like I did for many years and try to pursue dreams without God in every step. I speak from ​experience when I say that all you’ll find is emptiness.

Maybe you’ve already tried your own path and that’s why you’re still reading this page... I understand. ​I have grace and understanding for you.

I can’t walk your spiritual walk for you, but I can hold you accountable to it.

I can’t run your business for you, but I can give you wisdom, advice, and guidance on how to run a ​business that aligns with your faith and values. I can teach you strategies and give you knowledge on ​how fruitful businesses are built.

I know this landing page probably looks and sounds different than other coaches you’ve come ​across. In all honesty, this looks different than my first 7 years in this industry. I’m giving you today ​what I wish I had in my early years of entrepreneurship: a Jesus-loving business coach who is for me ​in all areas of my life.



“My one on one ​sessions with Amanda ​bring about so much ​clarity and ​momentum, all while ​keeping God first and ​the important things, ​important things.”

- April A.,

Pinterest Strategist

“God was able to use ​Amanda to speak life ​and truth into my ​life...She was able to ​encourage me, lift me ​up, and help me create ​a plan to continue ​building a business ​that works for me and ​my family.”

- Katie B.,

Website Designer

“ I have treasured our ​coaching session so much ​over the past weeks and ​keep returning to your ​words of encouragement. ​Thank you so much for the ​time and attention and care ​that you put into my ​session. It was so helpful ​and really encouraged me.”

- Rebekah B.,


“You've given me a lot to ​ponder about and many ​great ideas. I've had a ​few introductory ​sessions with business ​coaches over the past 4 ​months and your call ​has been the most ​valuable. You give me ​hope!”


Life Coach

1:1 Business Coaching Program

12-Months, 1:1 Sessions Each Quarter

Monthly Assignments

This program is designed for passionate entrepreneurs who love Jesus and want to grow their ​business for greater impact on the Kingdom of God.

My specialty is guiding women entrepreneurs through crucial stages of business ownership, ​ensuring that faith remains central throughout each transition, from establishing a strong ​foundation to scaling as a visionary CEO.

The standard transition for business begins with building the foundation (stage 1) before ​moving into getting established with consistent revenue of $5-10k+ months (stage 2). It is ​after this that you can decide if you want to shift into the CEO role of your business (stage 3), ​where you begin to leverage resources, vendors, and team members for the purpose of ​scaling and growing your revenue to higher limits (while maintaining a sense of balance and ​fulfillment).

No matter where you are on the journey, my job is to help you navigate the complexities of a ​growing business!

Something unique about my coaching is that I take a holistic approach. Business is personal. ​I’ve never had a client who could keep her personal life separate from the conversation of her ​business in a coaching session. Relationships, health, finances, and business all intertwine. And ​if you’re a Christian, then your walk with Jesus falls right into that mix as well. My desire for ​you is to be a well-rounded entrepreneur who thrives in every area of your life.

In this program you will:

- Create a personalized schedule that honors God, your responsibilities, your family & ​community, and the business God has called you to. I’ll walk you through how create it and ​adjust it throughout various seasons of your life.

- Meet with me 1:1 for 90 minutes each quarter (4xs over 12 months) to discuss opportunities ​you see in the business, obstacles you're facing, brainstorm ideas, what you should prioritize, ​and form action steps to reach the goals discussed. This is true business coaching that gets ​you through an entire year (not just a few months!)

- Engage in monthly learning assignments that include books to read from trusted God-​fearing leaders in business, videos to watch from some of the greatest Christian motivators in ​the world, and easy (yet rich) devotionals to work through on your own time. These resources ​have grounded me as a Christian entrepreneur and leader. This is an optional assignment (not ​required), but highly encouraged for those wanting the greatest transformation and ​grounding.

- Access my ever-growing business resource library filled with templates, video trainings, ​guides, workbooks, and planners. I’ve been coaching for 8+ years... you’ll get it all!

- Access the Goals, Wins, & Challenges Tracker Exclusively Designed for my Clients

- Utilize my current downloadable Business Planning Guide to help you map out your year.

- Attend monthly virtual Bible Studies where we read through scripture and discuss it ​together (optional - not required).

- Have the option to add on regular Voxer check-ins for accountability (additional fee for this ​and is exclusively available to my 1:1 clients).

$3,000 one time payment

Klarna Payment Plan Available

Getting Started is Easy:

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  1. Apply for the program
  2. Schedule your free trial coaching session
  3. We spend the next year together building business


“My business & life are ​forever changed after ​coaching with Amanda! She ​has helped me identify my ​passions, determine who my ​ideal clients really are, & ​create offers those ideal ​clients are actually buying. ​She has been supportive, ​encouraging & strategic... & ​gives well thought out advice.”

- Erika M.,

Bookkeeping Coach

“I have worked with other ​businesswomen & received ​something from each one, ​but working with Amanda ​has been a coaching ​relationship that has been ​more grounding, more ​clarifying, and more life-​giving. I feel truly blessed to ​have this strong woman of ​God in my corner as I grow ​my business.”

- Lauren K.,

Blogger & Influencer

“Amanda has been ​instrumental in helping shape ​my business strategy & ​mindset. Her encouragement ​& guidance were pivotal in ​launching my membership, & ​she helped me craft a clear, ​actionable plan. She has a ​unique ability to look at all ​types of businesses with a ​fresh perspective... If you are ​looking for a business coach, I ​highly recommend her.”

- Glenneth R.,

SEO Strategist

“Amanda came alongside me ​at the very beginning stages of ​my business & has been an ​incredible influence for years. ​She has faithfully showed up ​with sound business ​consulting, challenge, support, ​and most of all deep ​encouragement & prayer. I am ​so grateful for her lasting ​impact. It is rare to be both ​wise, humble, & kind. Amanda ​is all of these things.”

- Jade G.,

Wedding Planner

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